You have access to the following servers:
BCIT student servers:
▪ Personal H:\ Drive for personal files
▪ TeamShared T:\ for sharing files with classmates
Program File Server:
connected through FTP client for downloading course materials and submitting assignments
Portfolio Server:
connected through FTP client for uploading web site files that can be viewed on the public internet
In addition to these servers you also have access to a personal web hosting cpanel for accessing portfolio server settings and installing databases
The BCIT servers provide personal storage space for your files
You can access the your personal storage space via FTPthe mapped computer drives under Windows Explorer. Your personal drive is Drive H:\
To access your personal storage remotely please follow these instruction for off campus access:
With the program server you can:
- Download course material via the course folders
- Submit assignments and projects via the dropbox folders located inside the course folders
To access the program file server you will need an FTP program such as Filezilla. The instructions on this page use → Filezilla
How to Access the Program File Server
- Open Filezilla
- Click File, then select Site Manager...
- Click "New Site"
- Enter a site name in the left pane (e.g. "program_server")
- Enter the following information under the "General" tab
- Host Name:
- Protocol: FTP - File Transfer Protocol
- Encryption: Use plain FTP
- Logon Type: Normal
- User: the first part of your portfolio web address (e.g. - if the first part of your portfolio web address is bkozma then your FTP user name would be
- Password: your student number
- Click "Connect"
- Double click a course folder to download course files or to access the dropbox folder for a course

Your portfolio website is located at the following URL (In most cases):
- http:// (first initial)(lastname)
- e.g.
This is a public web site. anything placed on these servers can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection
To upload files to your website you need to use an FTP client. For the instructions below we have used → Filezilla
How to Access the Online Portfolio Server
- Open Filezilla
- Click on Click File, then select Site Manager...
- Click "New Site"
- Enter a site name in the left pane (e.g. "portfolio_server")
- Enter the following information under the "General" tab
- Host Name: Your portfolio web site address
- Protocol: FTP - File Transfer Protocol
- Encryption: Use plain FTP
- Logon Type: Normal
- User: the first part of your portfolio web address
(e.g. - if your portfolio web address is then your FTP user name would be - Password: your student number
- Click "Connect"
- Double click the public_html folder open your public web folder. Files for your public web site should go inside the public_html folder

cPanel is your portfolio site's online control panel. From your cPanel you can create databases as well as manage files for your portfolio web site.
How to Access your cPanel
- Open any web browser and navigate to: (your portfolio address)/cpanel
(e.g. - if your name is Jane Doe, your portfolio address is than to navigate to your cPanel you would type in the following address into your browser: - Once on your cPanel web page you will be asked to enter your cPanel username and password. Your cPanel username is the first part of your portfolio address and you will receive your password.
(e.g. - if your portfolio address is then your cpanel username would be jdoe) - After you have entered your username and password press enter or return on your keyboard